Wednesday, August 06, 2008

100th Post!

I'm not really gonna say anything to celebrate this monumental occasion. It will come across very pretentious, like I'm giving a speech at an awards ceremony ("Thank you, all my many loyal fans and readers, you helped me get where I am today!" [insert cheesy teardrop]). Instead, I'm just gonna post a song idea, called 'I Have A Beautiful Dream'. Click the title to listen, in case you didn't figure it out already.

Suddenly I'm very nervous. I just thought, 'self, I will never have another 100th post ever again, and here I am, just piddling it away and not saying anything meaningful.' It's like when it's your birthday and you don't do anything, and then you feel all sad and unappreciated after. I don't want to feel like that!

FUCK IT! I have nothing to say! I will only sing for the occasion.



So the foreign land brings me back.
I was almost there, the shores were warm.
And I touched the sand, found my way.
Sun was bright, why can't I stay?
You'll have to drag me screaming, I said
I won't just drift, I have a beautiful dream
You'll have to drag me screaming, I said
I won't just give in, I have a beautiful dream.

...And then the past surfaces
It's been so long since I felt like this.
Maybe I need to swim along,
'Cause I have never felt, I have never..
Maybe I need to swim along,
'Cause I have never felt a love like this.


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