Monday, July 14, 2008


Just as a head's up, I actually have all the essential equipment for my camera now (mini usb, a battery charger) so I can actually post pictures! I just emptied out a big stream on my photo blog, but I intend on trying to come up with a picture a day again. Even if I can't find anything too amazing to snap, it gets me in the habit of trying to find something beautiful and meaningful (or just plain weird) with each day, and I think that's a very positive thing! I hope maybe someone will join me on this creative exercise and mission! (It's harder to bail out or skip a day when someone else is doing it.....)

Also, I have a couple pictures of some members of Ashes Divide....I think the only ones who will care are Kat and Rob, so you should check them out! :)



Anonymous said...

I care.

Where can I view your photos?

Allysia said...

the 'allysia's daily photo challenge' link on the sidebar, to the right. who are you?