Thursday, February 21, 2008

Lightswitch Madness!

The light thing works! It really works!!! *leaps about in joy*

So I was dreaming, you know how it goes. In dreamland, it was early in the morning, maybe around seven or so. I had just woken up after an arduous day at work. I was wondering if Dylan was going to text about grabbing a quick smoke in the morning, before he went to school. I really didn't know what time it was, or what time he had school.

Anyhoo, I woke up, walked up the stairs, and the first thought that occured to me was to do the lightswitch test. I don't know why I had this thought - I was expecting everything to be normal. In dreams, you rarely suspect that you're actually dreaming. But lo and behold, when I flicked the lightswitch, the light just stayed on! I was stunned and amazed! At that moment, everything became clearer, like suddenly I had all of this power and freedom. I was self-aware! I was lucid! Woo hoo!

My first reaction after the amazement of functioning in dreamworld consciously was to try and send a text message. It was all haywire, of course. I knew there was a message on the phone from Dylan, but I couldn't read it. I managed to send him a message, but not before T9 word nearly sent me off the deep end...

The next thing I did was pet Luna. I was amazed that she responded like normal. See, I guess at this point I figured that since I was lucid, it must be reality. I got over that thought eventually.

After that, I started an adventure. Through my backyard was this crazy, desolate terrain, but I was not afraid. This is dreamworld! Let's go do shit!

I admit that it was the thought about sex that tipped me out of this state. I thought, "Hey, I could have sex with anyone!" After thinking that, I remember having a feeling of being back in my own bed, like the dream was over. I sighed (still dreaming), but I learned a lesson. Then I carried on, but not lucidly.

So a warning to all of you - if you're actually experiencing a lucid dream (it was my first time), don't ruin it with your inner perversion! Keep your physical self on a leash! That's my advice.



Anonymous said...

Haha,that is quite an amazing feat. I've had near lucid dreams(that i knew about) But the problem for me is time, The time goes by way to quick for me. I can't slow it down and x-plore.

Well i spos we planned to hang tonight, so we can talk about it more tonight. Later.

Allysia said...

The sweet thing about dreams, though, is that time is basically meaningless. Kelley was telling me how she can look at a clock in her dream and it might say six o'clock; the next moment it says three.

Maybe the hard part is when you get way too overly excited and then you ruin it for yourself. Like, 'woo hoo! I can do all this crazy stuff! Like this and this and this and....fuck I'm awake.'

Anonymous said...

This is totally OT and not related to your post in anyway but...
Who made your site banner for you? It is rockin!

Allysia said...

Ha ha, Dylan did :P

Anonymous said...

I thought so! What a crafty bugger...
I just discovered the widget that lets you apply a banner to the header. Damn my CSS retardation! >_<

Anonymous said...

I just wanted to inform you that I have changed the URL for my blog.
It is now located at

Anonymous said...

HA! i'm a crafty bugger. that's a first.

Allysia said...

Kelley! Way to make everyone's life difficult! Yeesh. Now I have to hit all those will take at LEAST one minute. How inconsiderate.