Wednesday, December 02, 2009



It is I, and I'm rising from the dead, zombie-style. And by that I mean I'm having a happy reunion with my blog, which is also a zombie, just a very passive one. Together we are two zombies with a dream. A dream of life and regular posting. And flesh.

I would once again like to use this space to post art and ramblings because sharing is good, right? It feels good. So share I shall. Wow, that's a tongue-twister sentence. I can only say it a few times before the words disintegrate.

That's all for now - no actual content today. Is this what they call a 'teaser'?


1 comment:

Christopher said...

Blogging regularly is such a hard habit to get into/back into. I used to do it so good, now i'm attempting to force myself again. Heres to the zombies.

PS your word verification just called me a perv, well peerv to be exact... still seems rather observant, damned google wont stop watching me!

sorry for the tangent